Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Image:  ELN – Renewable Energy

            The Importance of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy in Scotland has become a hugh part of Scottish society representing as it does a chance to re-industrialize. It also offers an excellent chance to reverse the continual economic decline of the last few decades . Renewables such as wind, wave, and hydropower make up the country’s main electricity source. They generate more than three-quarters of Scotland’s electricity power. As such it involves the technical, economic and political factors which make up modern Scotland.

                  A Base for the development of the technology

As has often been noted by commentators .Scotland has an incredible base for the development of the new energy technology including tidal, wave and wind energy resources. In 2016 Scotland generated 59% of its electricity consumption through renewable energy. This exceeded the stated aim of the Scottish Government to have 50% by the end of 2015. By 2020 Scotland had built up an installed renewable capacity of 11.8 Gigawatts(GW). While renewable electricity generation has reached a total 30528 GWh. Some 90% of Scottish electricity consumption and 28% of electricity generated was exported.


                          The Reduction in the Cost of Renewable Power

There has been a significant reduction in the cost of renewable power in recent years. The production of renewable energy in Scotland is of vital importance to the Scottish economy. The natural resource base for the production of this energy is extraordinary by both European and global standards. With the most important potential sources being wind, wave, and tide.  At the start of 2016, Scotland had 8,055 megawatts (MW) of installed renewable electricity capacity. Renewable electricity generation in Scotland was 21,983 GWh in 2015, up 15.2% on 2014. The renewable energy industry supports more than 17,700 jobs in Scotland.